Petit Plan’s cinematic action titled, “Literature in Cinema” is co-organised with the Municipality of Athens and screens films that have been adapted from literary works. Another aspect of the screenings is the social value of the film which is discussed after the screening of the film.
All screenings are with free entry
After the screenings a short discussion will follow concerning the topics of each film.
The action will take place 6-8 February 2017 at Mikrokosmos Cinema, 106 Syggrou Av. – Athens.
The screening schedule:
Monday 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 at 10.00
I am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced
Film duration: 96′
In 2009, the story of Yemeni teenager Nojoom Ali’s bid to legally extricate herself from an abusive, arranged marriage to a much older man (which took place when she was just 10 years old) made headlines. Khadija Al-Salami has beautifully adapted the subsequent bestseller into an emphatic drama that features a wonderful performance from Reham Mohammed as the young Ali, and a striking backdrop of Yemen’s astonishing mountain villages and ancient “skyscrapers.”
Tuesday 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 at 10.00

Film duration: 106′
A tragic love affair between Victoria and Johannes. She’s a daughter of a rich estate owner and he’s the son of the poor miller. Despite the deep love between them, her father makes Victoria ditch Johannes for the richer Otto.
Wednesday 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 at 10.00
Approved for adoption

Film duration: 71‘
Jung. Cartoonist. 42 years old according to his civil status, Jung prefers to place his birth at the age of 5, when a policeman found him wandering alone in the streets of Seoul. He is one of those 200 000 adopted Koreans spread around the world. Jung decided to return for the first time in South Korea, in order to breathe the air of his home country, tread the land of his ancestors, and maybe find traces of his biological mother.
With the support of