Petit Plan: Cinema for Young Adults has completed its 2nd tribute to European Cinema, titled: “Petit Plan: Europa II”, which took place online and free for all of Greece between 1-5 February 2021, co-organisation with the Representation of the European Commission in Greece and with lead donour the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
Thousands of viewers and students from all over Greece had the opportunity to enjoy the total of 44 European films which focused on issues that concern today’s youth, such as bullying, racism, social media, etc. There was also a special tribute to Sweden in collaboration with Stockholm Independent Film Festival and Rex Animation Film Festival.
The 3person jury of the Festival comprised of Dimitris Katsimiris (Director), Thanasis Neofotistos (Director) and Angeliki Stellaki (Journalist/Film critic) gave the #ThisIsEU – European Values Award to the film “Snake” (Andrej I. Volkashin, North Macedonia, 2019, 20’). Here is the jury’s statement: “The European Values Award is awarded to the film “Snake” by Andrej l. Vokashin (North Macedonia). The film, with a fresh and tender perspective, examines the issue of identity and acceptance, an issue that concerns all adolescents, in a world that is caught between its dependence on the past and its need for a different future.” The film’s team made the following statement: “SNAKE is a delicate story of the nature of violence over the LGBT community in the Balkans, experienced through the eyes of a child. Violence is an important subject of today’s world and we believe that through understanding and empathy we can be better people no matter the context. We feel very proud to receive the European Value Award! Thank you Petit Plan: Europe II Festival for this honor!”

The jury also gave an Honourable Mention to the film “Pashka”, with the following statement: “An Honourable Mention is awarded to the film “Pashka” by Oltjon Lipe (Greece), a tender film which narrates in an unexpected manner the prejudices and their consequences by cleverly using flashback and the expressiveness of its main actors.” Director Oltjon Lipe said: “My wish with the film, which is also my debut film, was to deal with familiar circumstances and issues that have concerned and troubled me for a long time. I would like to thank the jury and the organisers of Petit Plan: Europa II, this distinction makes me very happy. Even in these troubling times the fact that people persist and carry out these actions is incredibly optimistic. I wish that future editions will find us with open cinemas and to share the magic of movies in front of a big screen.”

The audience had the opportunity to vote online for its favourite film. With over 600 votes, the film that touched most people and thus winning the Audience Award is the film “Roberto” (Carmen Córdoba González, Spain, 2020, 9’). A film that touches upon the important issue of body image, an issue that concerns the majority of today’s youth. The director stated: “The Audience Award is always a very special recognition, even more in Petit Plan because we feel that the message of light and hope behind “Roberto” is especially important for our young people. We the whole team are really happy and grateful for having the opportunity of sharing our short film with all of you, and it is really overwhelming to know that our story has touched you in this way. Thank you so much for choosing our film and please love yourselves and love your bodies, because you are precious.”

See you in February 2022 for Petit Plan: Europa III!
Petit Plan: Europa II was in co-organisation with the Representation of the European Commission in Greece and with lead donour the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
Supporters: Embassy of Switzerland, Instituto Cervantes de Atenas, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Embassy of Poland, Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Norway, Goethe-Institut Athen, Hellenic American Union, Haec College, Animasyros, Stockholm Independent Film Festival, Rex Animation Film Festival.
Media Sponsors: ΕΡΤ, Δεύτερο Πρόγραμμα,,, Περιοδικό Antivirus,,,,,